Welcome to Evolutional Healing Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Clinic of Asheville, North Carolina! Thank you for coming to explore the world of Acupuncture and Herbs.
“Acupuncture and herbs are two of the world’s most widely practiced forms of medicine”
The science of Chinese Medicine has transcended through the centuries. To practice this science is to be an artist, because it is necessary to blend logic and intuition, emotion and feeling, symptoms and syndromes, guide and counselor. To understand illness, it is necessary to understand the person. A cough is not just a cough. Is it from a cold that has long past? Or, is it from unresolved grief? There are many contributing factors that must be evaluated to properly asses a persons state of health in order to evoke proper healing. The inability to resolve illness and pain, to evolve past self limitations are usually due to unresolved emotional issues. I want to better my self, but I don’t believe in myself. A worrisome person can have digestive issues, stomach ulcers, IBS. An angry/irritable person can have headaches, menstrual complications/pain, hypertension. These are just a few examples of how physical symptoms stem from emotional issues.
The true gift of Chinese Medicine is that it is one of very few, select forms of medicine that can actually address a physical symptom and an emotional imbalance at the same time. To evoke such healing, it is necessary to touch a person at their very essence, the core of their being. In my 25 years of experience in the Holistic healing field, I have yet to experience a form of medicine that is more powerful in results and precise in implementation.
The intention of this clinic is to provide the people of Asheville a quality of care that will not only benefit the body, mind and spirit but the Community as a whole. We are only as strong as our healthiest link!
Healthy Living Guide
- Happy Halloween!!! October 22, 2019
- Reflections from 50yrs of Summer!!!! September 23, 2019
- Summer Foods for Summer Fun! August 2, 2019
- You and Your Qi September 20, 2018